Minnie Tiller
Minnie Tiller

Basic performance

There’s never a dull moment when it comes to growing vegetables!

Growing vegetables successfully depends on how well you prepare the soil. The first step to growing delicious vegetables is taken by tilling the soil and rendering it loose, light, and sufficiently airy. The POPLI mini-cultivator will help you to prepare soil ideally through proper tilling with simple operation. Since the POPLI mini-cultivator is powerful despite being easy to use, you will be able to enjoy tilling in comfort. Hook it up to an attachment to expand your range of work options. The POPLI MFR30A is a reliable mini-cultivator that you will be happy to use as a partner in your vegetable-growing endeavors.

Work is made easier thanks to the dynamic power of this mini-cultivator

With three horsepower of sufficient power, this mini-cultivator can easily be used to till unexpectedly hard ground. With a wide tilling swath measuring 50 centimeters across, you will surely make good progress in your work.

Equipped with an engine that is compliant with voluntary controls on gas emissions*1

This mini-cultivator is equipped with a new-model GB engine that complies with the third protocol on gas emission controls. This engine is friendly to both users and the environment by virtue of the fact that it further reduces the emission of harmful substances contained in exhaust fumes.

Start the engine with little effort

The engine should start by gently pulling on the starter cord located just below the handle. Start the engine with ease without having to assume an uncomfortable or awkward position (outfitted with Miracle Start as a standard feature).

Comfortably till with the rotary shaft at the front of the unit

Work can be safely performed since no tilling tine come near the feet. The looped handle, which can be firmly gripped and which by itself allows for easy gear shifting, is also user-friendly and comfortable.

Smooth turning

This mini-cultivator can be smoothly turned since a turning differential is imparted to the inner and outer wheels whenever a turn is attempted.

Stop the engine with a press of a button

Just press the large button in front of you to stop the engine. Easy operation is facilitated thanks to the ability to stop on a dime whenever you wish.

Fold for compact storage

Produce a compact form in no time at all by folding up the handle and removing the gearshift lever. Quickly realize an ideal size for conveyance and storage.
※This photograph indicates dimensional measurements that are taken when the unit is fully collapsed.

Check out these advantages as well!

Dead man’s clutch lever

Grip the dead man’s clutch lever at the same time as the handle to engage the work clutch. Quickly release the lever to stop the engine at any time you desire.

Can be conveniently placed into the trunk of a private automobile.

Fun to use thanks to full-fledged features that work well

A uniaxial forward/reverse-rotating rotary shaft (whereby the outer tine rotate in one direction and the inner tine rotate in reverse) combines with tine that effectively penetrate into the soil to neatly till fields. All tine consist of hatched tine that are convenient for deep plowing. Another feature allows the operator to engage in on-the-spot tilling while keeping this mini-cultivator in a stopped state. Work can be effectively carried out despite the simplicity of what this model offers.

*1: Engine is compliant with the Japan Land Engine Manufacturers Association’s voluntary controls on gas emissions (third protocol).
*2: Miracle Start is a registered trademark of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
*3: It may not be possible to load a mini-cultivator onto an automobile depending on the car model in question. Also, be sure to remove gasoline from the unit when loading the unit onto an automobile and fasten the unit firmly in place using ropes or other tools.